Lower Clackamas/ Johnson Creek Confluence Side Channel Reconnection Project
Limiting Factor
Isolated Side Channels and Off-Channel Habitats
Lead Implementer
Clackamas River Basin Council
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, U.S. Forest Service
Project Primary Contact
Isaac Sanders (isaac@clackamasriver.org)
Project Stage
2023 - 2026
Degraded Channel and Riparian Areas
Isolated Side Channels and Off-Channel Habitats
This project at River Mile 4.6 in the lower Clackamas River increased the inundation frequency and duration of a 1700' relic side channel, removed a culvert in the side channel, and increase the quantity and complexity of the side channels and alcoves at the site. The project included construction of large wood structures along the newly connected side channel as well as several large structures at the inlet and outlet. Over 7 acres of riparian area was treated for invasive plants and then planted after construction. CRBC conduced 3 years of plant stewardship which includes treating invasive plants and monitoring the planted sites for success.
Key Accomplishments
- Large Wood Placement: 1,680.00 lf
- Riparian / Floodplain Native Planting Area: 10.00 acres
- Side Channel Habitat Increase: 1,680.00 lf
Focal Species
- Coho
- Fall Chinook
- Pacific Lamprey
- Spring Chinook
- Steelhead
Project Types
- Outreach / Landowner Engagement
- Restoration
FIP Bienniums
- FIP Biennium 1 work plan
Expenditures by Fund to Date: $698,013.99
Project last updated 12/2/2024