Badger Creek Fish Passage Restoration
Limiting Factor
Road Crossings
Lead Implementer
Johnson Creek Watershed Council
Oregon Metro, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Portland General Electric
Project Primary Contact
Daniel Newberry (
Project Stage
Impaired Upstream Passage
Road Crossings
Badger Creek is a tributary to Johnson Creek in rural Clackamas County. A group of three small diameter culverts under the Springwater Trail were a complete barrier to coho salmon, steelhead, Pacific lamprey and resident trout passage to upstream habitat. In September, 2016, the culverts were removed and replaced with a single 10-foot diameter corrugated metal pipe culvert that was countersunk three feet and filled with stream gravel to simulate natural stream conditions. This completed project now provides fish access into 1.5 miles of stream habitat.
Key Accomplishments
- Stream Habitat Accessible: 1.50 miles
Focal Species
- Coho
- Steelhead
Project Types
No Project Types provided
FIP Bienniums
No FIP Bienniums provided
Expenditures by Fund to Date: $81,598.00
Project last updated 5/11/2018