River Island Natural Area Restoration
Limiting Factor
Degraded Riparian Areas and Large Wood Recruitment
Lead Implementer
Oregon Metro
Oregon Metro
Project Primary Contact
Brian Vaughn (brian.vaughn@oregonmetro.gov)
Project Stage
2015 - 2017
Degraded Channel and Riparian Areas
Degraded Riparian Areas and Large Wood Recruitment
Nestled on the Clackamas River just upstream from Barton Park, River Island provides 240 acres of habitat for plants and wildlife, including endangered salmon and steelhead, native turtles and migratory birds. Metro worked with community members and experts to design plans to restore fish and wildlife habitat and improve water quality at this voter-protected natural area.
Project partners include: Clackamas River Basin Council, Portland General Electric, Clackamas County, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. U.S. Forest Service.
More information can be found at www.oregonmetro.gov/riverisland
Project partners include: Clackamas River Basin Council, Portland General Electric, Clackamas County, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. U.S. Forest Service.
More information can be found at www.oregonmetro.gov/riverisland
Key Accomplishments
- Large Wood Placement: 3,900.00 lf
- Riparian / Floodplain Native Planting Area: 50.00 acres
- Side Channel Habitat Increase: 1,150.00 lf
Focal Species
- Coho
- Fall Chinook
- Pacific Lamprey
- Spring Chinook
- Steelhead
Project Types
No Project Types provided
FIP Bienniums
No FIP Bienniums provided
Metro's River Island Natural Area
Expenditures by Fund to Date: $4,800,000.00
Oregon Metro (Metro): $4,800,000
River Island - Goose Creek Before/After (Timing: Before)
Project last updated 10/17/2024